Wednesday, May 29, 2013

168. Happy Birthday Steve!!!

Sunday, 5/26/13

Happy Birthday Steve!!!!!!!!!

We were blessed to spend Steve’s birthday with him. The Pattys went out with him to buy him a nice birthday present while Chad and I relaxed at the house and looked for directions to the restaurant called Tierra Sana.

Steve returned at 12 and we headed to the restaurant. Yummo! Deliciouso! Great food. Chad and I had Chinese food with tofu while Steve had Ratatoille (sans rat). We were glad we ate there because we discovered many more interesting looking restaurants in the same exact area.

We then spent 2 hours souvenir shopping. Chad and I got use our bargaining skills. I found two cool items (can’t mention them due to the possibility of a surprise spoiler). She wanted 80 Bs. This in itself is cheap enough for us Americans, but Chad and I were trained by Bolivians at Familia Feliz to bargain like pros. Chad got 5 Bs off each item of his, but I wanted to one up him with 6 off each gift. I offered 68 and would not budge due to pride, even though she offered 70!! That’s a 28-cent difference! I was having too much fun and when she would not budge I walked out with Chad and Steve. They were laughing at me but I had to beat Chad.

Well, I could not find a better deal at the other stores so I returned to the first place expecting to pay 70 Bs like she offered. Her husband appeared to be there, and apparently must have said something. As soon as I walked in ready to surrender to her price, she said, “Good. 68 Bs is a good price. Take it for that.” Chad and I could not believe it. Booyah!! Hermana Emy’s teachings proved successful.

I then went to our friend’s store and bought me pants that incredibly fit me perfectly. Probably the only pants in all of Bolivia that did. She wanted 120 Bs, but I talked her down to 75 without too much effort. I love how the venders expect you to haggle with them. I will miss Bolivia. I just picture myself going into JcPenny back in the States. “You want $40 for these jeans? How bout $20? But look, this denim fiber is out of place. How about $25?”

We returned back to the Pattys, packed, and caught the bus for Uyuni. That is currently where I am typing this. My eyes are burning with the desire for sleep, but the sleep is not cooperating with me.
Good time to think.

**Keep adventurizing!...I know I will!**

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