Sunday, May 12, 2013

152. B-Day Skype and Oscar Schmidt

Wednesday, 5/8/13

Happy Birthday to you. Happy Birthday to you. Happy Birthday dear Lambchops! Oops…I mean Dad. (inside joke, sorry to exclude all y’all)

The boys wish a happy b-day as well!

Well, my Dad’s B-day was yesterday, but there was no phone or internet at FF, so I had to wait until today to enter town and Skype him. It was great to get to talk to him, Mom, and even Tess who returned from college. He’s one year away from really old, but seems to be getting younger each time I see him. Even his facial hair has vanished. I am still working on being a manly man like him, but it takes time to become that rustic. Familia Feliz has sure helped.

Well, Chad, Sam, and yours truly were in town for bit running errands and making memories. Then we went back. And slept. And slept some more. Yes, and then I slept a little more after that too.

Oh, and I just noticed that the guitar I play with has the words Oscar Schmidt on it. Oscar, you are famous even in Bolivia. I am just surprised your name is on a guitar and not a piano. Long live Oscar Schmidt!!

**Keep adventurizing!...I know I will!**

1 comment:

  1. Hey Bud, thanks for the kind words....I think. Can't wait 'til you return home, though the last 9 months have been invaluable to you.

