Thursday, May 16, 2013

158. La Paz Round 2

Wednesday, 5/15/13

La Paz here we go again!!

We lazed around Rurre at our hotel until our flight at 5:15. We made sure to say our goodbyes to Flippers, Juliano’s , and Narguila’s. We almost decided not to go to Narguila’s due to a number of reasons, but finally decided to say our goodbyes. As soon as we entered the restaurant the owner ran to embrace us, found out we were leaving today, and then informed us that he would be on the same flight!! This turned out to be the biggest blessing ever!

We said goodbye to Missy and Moises (who decided to escape into town but only made it half way before Missy picked him up). And then headed to get the shuttle to the airport. Sergio, the owner of Narguila’s, told us that we should weigh our luggage together since he had none and we could then avoid the fees. We were ecstatic. We could potentially save 40 US dollars this way. Now we could check in 60 lbs. When we weighed our three check-ins, it came out exactly to 60!! However, Chad’s carry-on was 14 lbs too heavy! He was determined not to pay so he started wearing all his clothes!! What a silly-willy! Sergio also helped him out and in the end…no one payed extra fees for luggage. What a blessing. If we did not eat at Narguila’s I am not sure Sergio would have been so friendly without saying our goodbyes.

Oh boy, where will these two go next?

Farewell gorgeous Rurre!

Our main man, Sergio
The flight was quick and we arrived in La Paz 28 minutes later. Ahhh…the brisk air was exhilarating! It is quite cold 2 miles high, but I loved it. We said farewell to Sergio and our other friends from the airplane and got a bus into the city. Thankfully, we were able to get to our desired bus stop even with all the blockades troubling the city.

We arrived to Dr. Patty’s house at 8. He is a renowned Adventist dentist that often helps out GMI missionaries. The piano teacher greeted us and then he told us the most wonderful news…Jacque and Tabitha were also here. When they came out of there room there were high-pitched squeals and laughter as we viciously embraced. What a pleasant surprise for all of us! We will be seeing them often in La Paz during our next few weeks.

We went to the market, bought Ramen and guarana, ate, and then hit the sack!

**Keep adventurizing!...I know I will!**

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