Sunday, May 5, 2013

148. Building a House

Wednesday, 5/1/13

One more month to go.

The kids keep reminding me so. Little Miguel was teary-eyed in my lap asking why I was leaving so soon.

At 7:30 a.m. we had our first parent-teacher meeting. About 15 parents joined us to discuss the school. We received an equal amount of positive and negative comments. Maybe it was because I was a scarey gringo, but none of the parents had negative comments about my teaching. Only 4 parents of my children attended and only 2 wanted to talk with me. We discussed their children and laughed about how silly they can be sometimes. One mother jokingly asked if I wanted to keep her son for her. I said yes. She laughed.

After the meeting, I played hangman, pictionary, and trivia with the kids to teach English and Spanish. Then it was quitting time. For din-din, we ate like kings, princes, and frogs.

Then…the big event of the day. Chad, Jerry, Sam, and myself gathered hammers, nails, and wood to go build a house! For an old couple. With a retarded son. We decided not to build the home for baby Bismark and his family due to their lack of cooperation and other problems. This other family is even more needy, so I believe God worked things out quite well. It is unfortunate that Bismark will be still sleeping outside, though.

We unloaded the long boards and building supplies. Jerry made us look like little girls as he would carry 2 or 3 boards to our 1. Our self-esteem sunk lower when we could not hammer nails into the wood. Those 4-inch long boogers kept bending in half. Through sheer determination, however, I finally got one in…after 19 tries! We built tresses for the home and called it a day. We will resume next week when we have more supplies.

To celebrate our hard work, we bought 200 oranges…but almost ate all of them before we returned to the happy, hungry family.

The tiny shack of the old couple

A tiny tree-snake

A big papaya

The "cool" guys returning from our orange mission
The first nail I victoriously conquered after 19 attempts

Random pic of David sawing his bike in half
Building the tresses

**Keep adventurizing!...I know I will!**

1 comment:

  1. This is so so so exciting. So pleased that you are all stepping out in faith and instead building a house for this family. Which to my opinion was Gods plan all along. Missing you guys, but looks like you are soaking up your last few weeks.
