Sunday, May 5, 2013

147. Packing the Suitcases

Tuesday, 4/30/13

I started packing today. Am I fed up with Bolivia and ready to return? No way. Am I ready for America? Yes way. I would be lying if I did not say I miss familiar faces, my car, or Taco Bell. However, I have learned to cherish every millisecond with these kids.

Well, it was still time to pack. During recess, I left school and dusted off my suitcases. I washed clothes, set aside the mountain of clothes I will give to Juan and others, and then returned to class. After school I continued packing until all that remains is the clothes I need for then next week. Now I do not need to worry any more.

After food-time, work time arrived. We were destined for the banana field to cut down the overtaking, 6-foot tall grass. My team was the little guys. We expected to be the last ones done with our area. No way José! I had Daniel!

Daniel is the laziest worker on the planet. This 8 year-old does not tie his shoes or even wash his hands because that would require energy. Not with me. He has been my project this past month. He knows that if he is near me with a machete in his hand he needs to work. And he did. He was by far the best machete worker today. The other little ones noticed that Flojero Daniel (Lazy Daniel) was working hard and so did they. We were done first. I was radiant with pride in Daniel and the boys. I gave them balloons to emphasize that.

Sleepy time.

**Keep adventurizing!...I know I will!**

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