Monday, May 27, 2013

167. The Day We Missed the Bus

Saturday, 5/25/13

Feliz Sabado!

We woke up in Dr. Patty’s house ready to go to his church. Jacque, Tabitha, Chad, Stephen and I walked the 15 minutes to the church. This is the same church we went to when we first arrived in La Paz 9 months ago. This time we went with the main financial supporters of the church. We felt pretty important to go to church with the Pattys.

Dr. Patty gave the adult Sabbath school on the book of Habakuk. The service started. This church seems to be the wealthiest in Bolivia. Two large screen TVs project the hymn lyrics and the great sound system played the backtrack music for Tabitha. Tabs blew us away with two gorgeous songs I have never heard of. The people in the church were mesmerized. I do not think they have ever had a fuller voice praising God in their sanctuary. She knocked it out of the park.

Then Mrs. Patty told the children’s story. She enlisted all of our help. Chad was a Jewish preacher. Stephen was some German scholar, and Dr. Patty was some South American guy. She asked me to play the S. American dude, but then laughed when I pointed to my skin and remarked of my exact resemblance to a dark-skinned Bolivian. I was up for it, but she chose her husband for the sake of accuracy. The skit went great.

Church finished and we walked back home. Jacque and Tabs hooked us up with some great lentil patties and Chad and I provided the guarana. After a coupe hours of reminiscing of our times together, we performed some “lay ministries”. Okay, okay…so we took a nap. When we woke up were completely refreshed.

Chad and I left the house at 6:30 were then ready to begin yet another adventure. We were going to catch a bus to the salt flats of Uyuni. We were super excited. We did not account for two things: 1) that the bus left at 7 p.m. instead of 9 p.m. and 2) that it was the festival of the snake, condor, and puma. We said our touching goodbyes to baker Steve and left for the bus terminal.

We came across a ¼ mile line of people. We thought they were waiting in line to participate in festive parade, but no…we found out they just wanted to cross the street. We found out as we were at the front of the line. Thankfully, one of the officers accepted the fact we were dumb, ignorant gringos and put us in the line only 30 feet from the road. Despite this, it still took us 30 minutes to cross the street.

We finally reached the bus station to find that the last bus left at 7. Oh well, there was a silver lining. It was Stephen’s birthday tomorrow!! I wanted to make it special. We spent an hour on the faster wi-fi and then headed back to the house at 10 where surprised Stephen greeted us in open arms. I goofily said, “Stephen, we missed you too much man. Now we are just soooooo happy to spend your birthday with you!” His reply was a bashful: “I am pretty happy too.” It was quite the moment. J

My parents are going to treat Stephen at the best vegan restaurant in the city tomorrow. Chad’s parents gave Steve a big thing of olive oil. You are quite spoiled Stephen! Haha!!

Sleepy, dream, close-the-eyes, snore, sleep talk, cuddle under the warm covers, sleep walk time!! Night!

**Keep adventurizing!...I know I will!**

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