Friday, May 24, 2013

160. The Best Thing About Cusco?

Friday, 5/17/13

Morning!! We arrived in Cusco at 5:30 a.m. groggy and yet ready for adventure.

We had a list of hostals we were going to visit. Needless to say the were the cheapest ones in Peru…we thought. As we searched for a taxi at the bus stop, a lady offered us a hostal for $10 per person. Pretty cheap. That was about the cheapest we saw online. All of a sudden, a man jumped in front of her and said $7.50. Deal!! It had wifi and hot showers. We did not care if we had to sleep on the floor. We expected a dungeon but decided to go with it anyways. We were pleasantly surprised.

The hostal was a hole in the wall. But opened up into a nice courtyard. The rooms were great and it seemed super safe. We jumped in bed and snoozed for a bit.

We then woke up and booked a Macchu Picchu tour. We did not plan on it. We were planning on finding our own way to the ruins to safe lots of money. Turns out, with this service, we would save money and a whole lot of hassle.

So far, my hands-down favorite part of Cusco is the food. Delicious!! There are restaurants everywhere. Most of them look fancy but have great prices. Chad and I ate at a high-class bistro with a quirky, strange, yet intelligent waiter who offended Chad when we asked for wifi. The waiter’s response was: “But you have such great company in this young man…why do you need wifi?” He was quite rude, but eventually brought the password for Chad 15 minutes later. The food was scrum-diddly-umptious but was not filling enough.

We walked around, shopped, and before I knew it, I was again starving. Boom! We found the gold-mine!! A sandwich joint with 21 sauces to choose from. They had garlic sauce, olive sauce, pineapple sauce, spicy sauce, and some other weird stuff. We tried most of them. Turns out, this place is ranked #15 out of 262 restaurants in Cusco. I agree.

Then, dormimos (we slept).

**Keep adventurizing!...I know I will!**

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