Friday, May 24, 2013

163. Macchu Picchu!!!!!

Monday, 5/20/13

Happy Macchu Picchu Day!

Chad and I woke up bright-eyed and bushed (tired). We were determined to be the firsts but expected to at least be in the first 200 to climb to the top.

We made it to the closed bridge to enter the hour-long path to the top at 4:30. We were the first two. At 5:00 a.m. the gates opened with about 150 people behind us. We sprinted through the gate and led the way in the pitch-blackness. We ended up missing one the shortcuts and soon found ourselves 30th in line. However, they started dropping like flies due to the steep inclines. We reached the tippity top after 45 minutes 9th and 10th. Not too shabby.

Breath-taking. The views of Macchu Picchu surrounded by Macchu Picchu and fog was spectacular. Chad and I hopped into the park to take pictures and casually decided to join our tour an hour later. Glad we did, because after about 30 minutes, it was impossible to take pics without others in the view. We saw a llama.

We wandered in and out of temples, temples, and more temples. Half of it was interesting, half of the information had to be interpreted as important to avoid falling asleep on the sundials.

We left extremely content and impressed. We returned down the mountain with our newfound friend Su Hyun. We kept running into each other the whole day and still plan on traveling together to Puno. After the 30 minute run down, we headed to a restaurant, took off shoes to relieve the pain, and ate like kings. We returned on the train and saved 2 hours.

The 7-hour ride back was pretty awful. But we survived thanks to our fantastic driver. I saw some of the other drivers. I would have been terrified to be in their rides.

**Keep adventurizing!...I know I will!**

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