Sunday, April 28, 2013

144. Anteater

Wednesday, 4/24/13

Anteaters are cool. Picking one up is cool x1000!!

Today started off normal enough. I taught class. One kid acted up so I stuck him in a chair outside for an hour. The kids barely passed their spelling test. The kids enjoyed their math like usual. The only thing unusual about classes today was that my timid Josue really understood his assignment. That never happens. As long as each kid learns something each week, I am a happy camper…especially if Josue learns something!

Lunch was good as usual. We had pumpkin goop on top of rice. Does not sound so enticing but is a party in the belly.

For work project, we fixed the entrance to Familia Feliz. The workers had agreed to build us an entrance after they ruined our last one to pave the road, but now they do not want to. Then, Juan, Chad, and myself went to get the new desks and a few other things.

We stopped by the gas station to put diesel in the truck. After waiting half an hour it was our turn. Boom. The power went out. Bummertuski! So we went to town. The carpenter was playing soccer and could not give us the desks. Bummertuski number 2! So I purchased flour for the evangelism bread and some shampoo. We checked e-mails and returned home after some ice cream.

After supper, I was walking to the big house to take a shower. “Teacher Eric, come with us, come with us. It is urgent!” Ephraim, Missy’s boy was quite ecstatic. He is a nature lover, and so am I. We have this deep bond because of it. He dragged me to his house where he showed me his prize: AN ANTEATER!!!!

Reality took a while to set in. The nature documentaries were becoming real life. Five feet in front of me was a gorgeous striped anteater. I knew right away it was non-aggressive because Missy’s baby was playing 2 feet from it. Unfortunately, it was probably this docile because a dog had punctured his right shoulder muscle so it could not move to well.

I was mesmerized. I finally got my muscles moving and touched it, took a picture with it, then picked it up for a hug. Curiosity always wins with me when I am with animals. Ask my nature students from camp. It tried to defend itself with its powerful claws since it could open its mouth no more than a centimeter (it only eats ants so who needs a big mouth for that). We saw it stand on his hind feet and lick his wounds with his half-foot long worm-like tongue.
A work of art!!

Step 1: Keep distance

Step 2: Intimidate each other

Step 3: Hug

We hung out at Missy’s house then headed home. I am now feverishly blogging about the experience in pure adrenaline. Bolivia is extremely saturated in wildlife. Fantastico!  Now all I need is friends, family, my university, an 8-foot long bed, a Democracy instead of communism, and American Football—then I could live here forever.

**Keep adventurizing!...I know I will!**

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