Sunday, April 28, 2013

143. Moto Mania

Friday, 4/19/13

I rode the moto today. I also got to play doctor. Thankfully, the two incidents were unrelated.

69% of my class aced their English exam today. As a reward, I showed them a documentary on anacondas. While they watched, I sat outside and did some thinking. Benjamin, a 7th grader rudely interrupted my thought—I am glad he did. He wanted to teach me how to ride a moto (dirt bike). I patted him on the back and said, “Let’s go!” Going fast was the easy part. Starting and stopping took a while to get used to. Ironically, Chad learned to drive the moto yesterday and this kid randomly taught me how today. I gave the young man a handshake and called it quits before I broke something.

During P.E. class, I was urgently called over to the playground. Before my eyes, on the cement, was little Miguel calmly kneeling in a little puddle of his blood. I sent everyone away including the attacker who had gotten heated after Miguel pushed him too hard on the swings (he will be working with Warren all day today and Sunday). I looked for fractures and lacerations from the punches. It turned out to be a fairly normal nosebleed. I was most impressed by the composure of this little fella. All the girls around him were screaming which increase my heartrate at first, but he was breathing calmly and his primary concern was the location of his flip flops. He is quite the toughy. Lesson learned: stop pushing when the person swinging says so. The puncher is new to Familia Feliz and is still getting used to the conduct we expect here, but I am sure moving large timber will teach him a lesson or two.

**Keep adventurizing!...I know I will!**

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