Sunday, April 21, 2013

137. Erin's Surprise

Sunday, 4/7/13

Erin, you sure made quite the impression on Familia Feliz because everyone loves you! And you are lucky to have great friends such as Mia and me to surprise you! :D

Mia, Erin’s roommate, wanted to plan a surprise for Erin. So today, I brought Miguel, Juan, Jose-Carlos, and Juan-Carlos into town to Skype Erin. They were so excited. The kids and I first went to the playa where we bought cheese bread, corn juice (quite delicious actually), and apples. We sat on the bank of the river while we ate. It was a nostalgic moment.

We returned to the hotel room that Chad and I always get to use internet. We had to wait 3 hours before Erin would be ready at 12:00 her time. I remembered that we were an hour ahead of Erin so I would call her at 1:00. Great! Four kids trapped in a hotel room. They went nuts! The tackled, hugged, and even jumped from the window sill. Finally I got smart and showed them a nature video on snakes.

Before I knew it, it was 12:00. I was about to get more food for the kids, when Chad reminded me that Daylight savings was over. That meant Mia was ready to Skype. Whoa! That was close. Good save, Chad! So, I called Mia on Skype. Sure enough she was ready to go. We got the boys ready, Mia placed her computer with us on it in front of Erin and she….was happy! J So were the kids. They had a great time talking and being silly. The plans were worth it. And hey, we did not get thrown out of the hotel. We all talked for about an hour and then said good bye totally content.

We sent the kids home in the big truck around 2:00 when the rest of the volunteers returned. Chad and I wanted more internet time to talk to the family so we stayed until 10:00. Then we called up our trusty chauffeurs, Carlos and Fernando. I look forward to these motorbike rides. The open air is thrilling and the conversations are always jubilant. Chad and I are trying to get them to come to church. We also plan to give them some clothes when we leave.

**Keep adventurizing!...I know I will!**

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