Sunday, April 7, 2013

130. Pool Day in Town

Sunday, 3/31/13

GOOD NEWS: Today was the day we planned for our pool day. It worked perfectly!!

Emy prepared lunch and we packed 9 boys in the pickup truck: 5 of ours and 4 of Missy’s. We headed straight for the pool. We were almost denied by the owner! He said that our boys have the tendency of changing the color of the pool water. I do not doubt it. He let us in only after Chad and I promised to be alert and keep things under control.

After 3 hours of giving turtle rides, rocket launches, and submarine dives I left the pool and reserved Chad and I a hotel room to use internet (that is how desperate we are for internet!). I brought Missy’s kids to the market to buy lunch and then we all met at Narguila’s.

Juan, Emy, and I brought all the kids to a soccer field out of town to eat and play a little ball. It was a nice, full size soccer field. I bet Juan $100 US dollars that he couldn’t score a goal from the other side of the field. He knew it was a joke, but the kids did not. The kids got so excited when he kicked a perfect shot that was heading towards the goals. The ball literally stopped 2 feet from the goal thanks to slightly tall grass. The kids were disappointed—Juan and I laughed. After 2 hours, we met at Narguila’s and Juan took his boys shopping.

I was left with Missy’s boys. I did a few errands with them and got them ice cream. We chatted with the owner then headed to rest at the hotel. I had just put a nature video on for them when I was called and told to send them to the bus station to get picked up by the truck. They went there way quite satisfied.

Chad and I enjoyed 4 hours of internet time and a nice Italian meal. Then we returned on moto’s of our favorite taxi drivers. We call them up whenever we want and they always deliver.

**Keep adventurizing!...I know I will!**

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