Sunday, April 21, 2013

141. Pampas Trip Day 2

Monday, 4/20/13

Day 2 of our Pampas trip began with a great breakfast of pancakes, cheeseballs, and chessy donuts. We had one more adventure left before we made the 5-hour journey from our cabins back to Rurre—Anaconda hunting!

Anacondas, as you might know, are the largest snakes in the world. They grow up to 27 feet. They have been known to consume cows and humans with relative ease. I wanted to give one a great, big hug. Fortunately, they are abundant in the pampas. Unfortunately, we did not see any. Bummer. Nonetheless, searching for them in muddy plains was quite exhilarating…and slightly exhausting.

Our whole gang returned to the cabins, packed, and departed for the mainland. Chad and I made sure to enjoy the heavenly breeze as we sped through the pampas counting turtles on logs and looking for more monkeys. We would not have complained if the boat trip lasted 10 hours. We arrived back at the dock, crammed back into the Land Cruiser, then sped towards home.

In the car, we talked about the Jewish religion, what we would do with 1,000,000 shekels, saw a capybara (the largest rodent on the planet), and broke down. The capybara was cool—the broken drivetrain axle was not so cool. After 1 hour of fixing the car we returned to the tour office to celebrate and take a group photo.

He could barely lift his fat head off the water

Lookin' for anacondas


The trip was a memorable one. Both for the incredible nature and for the eccentric personalities with which we shared our memories. I would do it again in a heartbeat, but I would rather trade the Israelis for you guys. What do you say?

**Keep adventurizing!...I know I will!**

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