Sunday, April 7, 2013

131. Monos and Emy

Monday, 4/1/13

Two huge things happened today. One was awesome and the other was tear-jerking. Let’s the start with the emothional one.

Emy and I spent most of the day in charge of the boys. Juan and Chad were in town working on the truck. After lunch we chatted for a couple of hours. All of a sudden, she started telling me her testimony. I had heard that she had one and that it was quite a sad story, but was never going to ask her to hear it. It was unbelievable. If Hollywood got wind of this they could make millions. I do not feel comfortable sharing the details, but it is a miracle she is alive and a great Christian woman.

Then it was nap time. The kids and I had dug all morning and I was tired. I was asleep for 15 minutes when the kids went wild. They hammered on my door and were yelling at the top of their lungs through my window. I finally awoke and realized what they were shouting: “Monos, monos, monos!” Monkeys! I ran out of the house shirtless and looked for these rarities. I had not seen one yet and would not be content until I did. Sure enough, I spotted two of them off in the distance! Light brown things with white faces. My jungle experience is now complete!

I woke up today and thought it would be quite uneventful. You just never know do you.

**Keep adventurizing!...I know I will!**

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