Sunday, April 21, 2013


Saturday, 4/6/13

Hello. Today you can call me Mr. Beaver, as in Busy Beaver. Let’s see, did I sit down today? All I know is that all the energy I exerted today was well worth it and that this Sabbath was filled only with constant blessings.

Blessing #1: Chad

Chad may not like public speaking, but he sure excels at it. He gave the Sabbath School lesson. It was on Hosea. Talk about a tricky task. However, he captivated our attention despite the added difficulty of making his big words smaller for the sake of translating. I am next week. A year has passed since my last sermon of any kind, so I look forward to oiling my rusty public speaking skills. Juan has asked me to say it in Spanish. Don’t get your hopes too high, Hermano Juan! J

Blessing #2: Lunch at Jerry and Jenny’s

The younger volunteers were all invited to Jerry and Jenny’s house today. They treated us with good Mexican food. It was reminiscent of home when we would have guests over, chat, and play Christian music in the background. Chad and I thanked them over and over for the good memories.

Blessing #3: Project Reach Out

Today was the trial run for our outreach project entitled “Project Reach Out”. Our goal is to literally reach out and provide physical needs like Jesus did. He healed people and provided food all the time. Our method? Band-aids and bread.

At 2:00, we rounded up just 6 of my boys and 5 volunteers into the truck. Uh oh! We could not get out of our driveway, the roadworkers blocked us in. So…we walked!

We went to 6 houses and shared some of the boys joy. We started with an introduction. Thankfully, we knew most of the locals. One of the old guys is my best buddy. He always wears his white boots and has a exhuberant face covered in wrinkles and smile dimples. I can never be unhappy around him. We then gave each person two loaves of bread, and then sang them 3 songs, and concluded with a Bible verse and prayer. The locals dropped everything they were doing to socialize with us. Both them and us really seemed to enjoy it. They often invited us on a tour of their home and fruit trees. I look forward to next week with the much shyer girls. Please pray for the ministry and that our visits will turn people towards Christ.

Singing to my best old pal

The sugar cane juicer

Bossman and me

Blessing #4: Bon Fire

After circle time, it was bonding time. All the kids and volunteers gathered around a large fire. We then made bread dough and put it on a stick to roast over the fire and poured the kids chocolate milk. We even gave them more bread from the outreach leftovers. The kids loved it, and so did the volunteers.

I look forward to planning more cool activities next Sabbath. So far so good. And tomorrow is the big surprise town day that us and four boys have been looking forward to all week!

**Keep adventurizing!...I know I will!**

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