Sunday, April 21, 2013

135. Double Duty

Friday, 4/5/13

Correct me if I am wrong, but teaching is supposed to be a desk job, right? Not today, I taught two classrooms, in two different buildings.

Samuel had to leave, so I was the boss for 2 classrooms (4 grades) for the day. I got quite the workout wandering between classrooms. Thankfully, I have my classroom decently trained and they behaved quite nicely. However, the 3rd and 4th graders tried to destroy the classroom while I was gone. I was always expecting an interesting scene when I reentered the classroom. We then played soccer in P.E class for two hours which was a lot less stressful.

After lunch, Chad and I were back to our baking ways. We made 100 loaves of bread for the door to door ministry tomorrow. It was a nostalgic moment since we had not baked in more than a month. The bread came out perfect! We owe all of our success to Master Champion Guru Baker Steve!

After circle time we must of done something…but I only remember a good nights sleep.

**Keep adventurizing!...I know I will!**

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