Sunday, April 21, 2013

142. Happy Times

Thursday, 4/18/13

Three Happy Moments:

The first moment last the whole morning. My students were angelic and hungry for knowledge. I almost felt their foreheads for fevers. We sang 5 songs for worship sans problems. They liked my worship thought about zebras. They studied hard for their spelling test. We then drew houses that we wanted in the future only with pencils and our imagination. Then after recess, they finished math and science with no problems. They finished so fast that there was time left for English class. To top it off, the kids who sweeped finished in 5 minutes so that I could play marbles with them.

Number 2. We were filling the holes we dug with dirt since the cables were already laid. David finished.
            David: “I am done. Can I go home and play?”
            He had the biggest smile on his face from pride and accomplishment. My response?
            Me: “Only after you smile?”
            I am giggling as I write. This kid was straining to make the already big smile on his face even bigger. I was worried he was going to pull a muscle. I quickly let him go play before he hurt himself. What a kid!

Number 3. We were putting the dirt next to the whole into the hole. Daniel apparently ran out of excess dirt next to his hole. So, he dug, and dug, and dug. When I looked over, the hole was filled, but he had made an even bigger hole because he dug into the ground to get more dirt. Now we have another hole to fill.

**Keep adventurizing!...I know I will!**

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