Sunday, April 7, 2013

132. Meeting, Digging, Spicy?

Tuesday, 4/2/13

Hello loyal readers. I am soooo glad you stopped by! You guys motivate me to make these typings spicy, but…today was not too spicy.

We had a staff meeting for three hours in the morning. I presented my plans for social gatherings and my outreach projects. Everyone seemed on board with my evangelism plans, and we shared some good ideas. Our house to house visitations begin Saturday. We will sing, share bread, and bring bandaids to witness like Jesus did. It should be a good way to get the kids involved. Our first social activity is a bon fire on Saturday night. I look forward to that.

Then the kids and I dug for 4 hours. One hour of that was spent solving a problem. One of the boys pick-axed right in a water pipe. Water burst everywhere. Edgar finally patched it up with a rubber tube, and we continued digging. We are almost done! I might even be slightly sad when finished because I honestly enjoy this brainless manual labor. It is a great time to meditate.

Then I cooked food for the boys since Chad, Juan, and Emy were in town. Rice and lentils. Easy-peasy. Then the boys and I had fun with the camera before everyone else returned.

**Keep adventurizing!...I know I will!**

1 comment:

  1. Heyyo muscles! I can't wait till you come home and bake me some bread. Good work going on there
