Sunday, February 3, 2013

One Hundred

Monday, 1/28/13

       Blog number 100!! That just reminds me of how long I have actually been here. So far, it has been a great run. I look forward to more great times while assisting in God´s mission here at Familia Feliz. I can tell He has been with me the whole time.     

       Well, school is around the corner. February 13ish should be the first day. That means that kids will start to arrive. 3 cuties did today.

       Chad, Mellissa, Ali, and Steve went to the town of San Buena across the river to an impoverished family. They had no dad and like six children. They have no house, so we may start to raise funds to build a house for these guys.

       While they were gone, I took the kids on a mile walk down to the nearest store. I too wanted to check out this close store. The sun was burning our bodies, but our journey was worth it. The store had a fridge! The kids used their well-earned money to buy essential things such as soda, cookies, and ice cream. I was playing the grampy that spoiled all the kids. I only let them use ½ their money. We returned down the road and amazingly found an ice-cream bike! He bought an ice cream in town and was driving up and down the road. I am surprised he found any business. We helped him empty his tub with glee.

       We returned, made food, and relaxed until everyone returned. We they did, there was more of them. They had brought back Bismark, 16 months, Alex, 3 years, and Selina, 6 years. They are siblings. They will be staying with Angelica and Ali. They are three cuties. I sure it will be quite an adjustment for them though. The baby wont let anyone hold him without crying. That is a problem.
Selina and Alex

Baby Bismark

The shack on the cliff where they live
       By the way, I forgot to tell you about Angelica. She is a new volunteer. Hooray! She is helping Ali with all the girls. She was born and raised in Bolivia for 14 years, but then moved to the U.S. for 16 years. Andshe is from my state; Massachusetts! We greatly appreciate her help.
       Buenos noches (Good night!).

       **Keep adventurizing!...I know I will!**

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