Sunday, February 3, 2013

101. Hot

Tuesday, 1/29/13

       Today was hot. Sweltering hot. Like an oven.

       Today was definitely up in the 100s. On top of that, I was helping Ali and Angelica with the babies all day in the top floor of the Big House where heat rises. All of us, including the diaper kids, were sweating waterfalls today. You know those slightly selfish prayers you pray to God sometimes? Mine today was: Please lower the thermostat just enough to survive.
Well, the babies gave Ali and Angelica an awful night last night. They got like 3 hours of sleep. So, Chad and I spent the day over there helping with the kids. I took baby Bismark to Juans house where he had a good time with baby Emily. It is hard to tell when he is happy though because he rarely smiles.
That is almost the happiest I have seen him. Haha.

The heat wilted us too

Wilted Yaneth and the three siblings smiling big.
I can hardly believe that is Bismark!
       We made lunch and then I snoozed with the babies. We tried to go to the pool in town, but that fell through. Now all the kids are angry at me! I will try to make up for it later this week.

       **Keep adventurizing!...I know I will!**

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