Sunday, February 3, 2013

99. Familia Feliz Bound

        Sabbath, 1/26/13

       Time to head back to Familia Feliz. The vacation was fantastic, but I look forward to see the kids again.
       We sleepily crossed back over from Brazil to Bolivia and boarded our bus. Compared to the first trip, this ride was ten times less comforatable and less eventful.

       It was raining, which slowed us down a bit. The bus leaked of course, so some unlucky passengers got drenched. Ali and Chad were getting sprinkled by the rain. I was okay in the isle seat. The seats seemed to have metal spiked poking at our backs and Chads seat was not bolted down so he bounced up and down the whole time. We tried to sleep as much as possible to avoid the misery.
 As sunset approached, we made a bus stop to refuel. They had ice cream, so being a New Englander, I wanted some. Here is how the conversation went between the ice cream vender man and myself:
              Me: I want the chocolate chip (as I pointed to the picture on the poster). Do you have it?
              Old man: Yes.
              Me: How much?
              Old man: 2 Bolivianos (as he dug in his cart and submerged with an ice cream bar).
              Me: This is chocolate chip?
              Old man. Yes, yes. Chocolate chip.
              (I took off the wrapper and beheld an orange cream-cicle)
              Me: Oh really, this is chocolate chip, eh?
              He slightly hesitated, and with a twinkle in his eye said: Yes, that is chocolate chip. I burst out laughing and so did he and Chad. He thought he could fool me cause I was a gringo and we were all amused that it did not work. Ahhh, good times. Yes, I happily ate the creamsicle.

       We were rudely awakened to see a bus in front of usstuck in the mud. We all got out so that our bus could pass by the muddy part with less weight. We took a deep breathe s the bus slowly creeped by the other bus and almost hit it. It made it though without any problems. We got back on and slept some more.

       Around midnight, we all got out again at another bus stop. We sleep-walked to the nearest bench and plopped ourselves down in exhaustion. Then, I left to find the latrine. Apparently, I was good adult supervision because things got out-of-hand when I left. I returned, and found Chad staring straight ahead like a deer in headlights while holding what looked like coca cola. Ali was laughing next to him. Well, the guys on the bench behind us had tricked poor ol Chad into a glass of coca cola with a little bit of spirit. Vodka to be exact. Chad of course, stopped drinking after having his mind blown. We could not wait to return to the safety of our bus seats.

       We arrived back to Familia Feliz around 7 a.m. after a 22-hour drive. I guess it was more memorable than I first thought.

       **Keep adventurizing!...I know I will!**

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