Sunday, February 3, 2013

97. Brazil!

       Thursday, 1/24/13

       Today was a happy day with a pleasant surprise.

       We made it into Brazil!! We were slightly discouraged, so we went to the ticket place to buy tickets for tomorrow and we found out we could buy the tickets when we got to the station. We then found the SDA School in town and called the other Adventist school associated with Familia Feliz and found out that Liselles diploma was not ready.

       Then, we headed to the river to buy more stuff. After I bought a new brand of guarana, the lady at the store gave us great news: we could cross into Brazil quite easily!!!

       She said that we only had to specify that we were going to Brazil only for the day. She said it was simple, so we figured that we should give it another go! And guess what?? It worked!! We got onto the boat and landed on the other side. We were elated to finally have our feet on Brazilian ground! Time to explore!
The trash cans in Brazil are cool.
I´m showing this one how to be an alligator.

       We started walking. And walking. And walking. We could not stop laughing because we can barely speak Spanish, let alone Portuguese and we looked like fools trying. The people in the super market were really friendly and tried their best to understand us without much success. My main mission in Brazil was to find as many different guarana bottles as possible.


I tried them all. This is the world´s best guarana.
Made here in Guajara Mirim!
       At 5:00 we scurried back across the river to avoid any problems with the government not liking us staying the night in a country in which we did not have our passports. However, we asked around and there did not seem to be a problem with that so we plan on staying our last night tomorrow in Brazil.

       We then ate like royalty at a delicious ltalian restaurant, and with stuffed bellies waddled around town to check out the sights and look for new guarana brands. After a good bit of exploring we hit the stack excited about our Brazil adventure tomorrow.
The beautiful church

       **Keep adventurizing!...I know I will!**

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