Monday, February 11, 2013

106. Uminta

Tuesday, 2/5/12

       My favorite Bolivian food is a corn snack called uminta. Emy told me a while back that she would show me how to make it if she could get some cheese. Wellshe did today!

       I surprised Emy with some cheese! Her and the kids were uber-excited. The kids thanked me for hours. Especially Moises. As promised, she demonstrated how to make this stuff. It took the whole day but was definitely worth it. It is a mix of corn and cheese steamed in the corn husk. Delicioso! 

Uminta with a pirty bow

Wrapping it up was quite the ordeal

     Angelica left for her family in Santa Cruz. So Ali is now all alone. To make it harder for her, a new family arrived. The three girls will live with Ali and the boy will live with Juan and Emy. However, I will be living there during the day to help take care of the new kids until the reinforcement volunteers arrive next week. The kids are cute and are very shy and mainly speak the native language of Quechuan. Thankfully, Emy is fluent with it and can translate quite well.
The new kids on the playground

       Then we did some photo ops before bed. Lizelle is leaving for a while some we gave a hug and a nice high five and said hasta luego! (See you later!).

       **Keep adventurizing!...I know I will!**

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