Saturday, September 1, 2012

2. Here We Go!!! (The Real Intro)

Bolivia will have two new residents on September 6, 2012!  Chad and I land in La Paz at 5 a.m. on my birthday--one I will always remember. I might buy myself a Bolivian bowler hat to celebrate. We then have some legal errands to run for a few days in the capital until we fly to Rurrenbaque-the small tourist village half and hour from Familia Feliz where we will be living. Rurre is known for its canoe trips through the Amazon jungle into a large national park, Madidi National Park, where a new monkey species was just discovered. I plan on discovering a new one as well.

 My bags are just about packed, with everything from soccer balls to permethrin to headlamps, and we are eager to head out. I look forward to serving God and the children during my departure date of May 31, 2013. Please pray for our safety as we travel and explore Bolivia. I will update our adventures as often as possible-hopefully weekly. Feel free to comment and respond to my posts!


  1. Eric! That's awesome! I didn't hear that you were going to Bolivia! Will you still be teaching there? I'll be praying for you guys as you head out.

  2. I will be praying for you as you seek to do Gods will!

  3. Thanks, Emily! We may teach, "parent", do maintenance work, clear jungles, build houses, cook, etc. Sounds like we will be used for everything, which we look forward to!
    Are you in Kenya?

  4. Thanks Mrs. Brahmia! Maybe I'll save a guinea pig off of the pastures and give it to you for Penelope's company! ;)

  5. All the best during your year in Bolivia! I'll be reading your blog and praying that you have a safe adventure!
