Tuesday, September 18, 2012

6. Another Family

I have another family...a familia feliz (happy family--also the name of the orphanage).

Chad and I arrived at the orphanage last Friday evening tired and dripping with sweat from the 100-degree sun. Yet, we were exhilarated to finally arrive in Rurre, our home for the next 255 days. I hoped to live in a somewhat pleasant environment. I was not prepared for my new home environment...that is a good thing.

My other family minus Mom and daughter
Love. That is the atmosphere of my new home. Twelve boys, ages 7-12, a middle-aged married couple, and their newly adopted one-year-old girl. Picture the world's greatest father (besides my own!), with the kindest-looking countenance, and biggest heart. His name is Juan. The house I was assigned to is known for containing the troublesome boys. I do not believe it. Nine months ago, before Juan and his wife arrived, the boys may have been troublesome and eratic. However, after Juan got a hold of their hearts, these boys resemble little angels...most of the time.

From the moment I arrived, I was drenched in appreciation and joy. I am a tio (uncle) to the boys, and a hermano (brother) to the "parents". In addition to Tio Eric, I am called Teacher by all the orphans. However, due to the extremely different living conditions I consider them my teachers. I have learned how to wash clothes by hand, hang a mosquito net (very important!), pick fruits off trees (in my opinion, more important!!), obtain "honey" from termite nests, prepare food, and get used to my sleeping companions...cockroaches.

The others volunteers are very amiable as well. We had the benefit of meeting with most of the volunteers for Sabbath worship during our first evening. They consist of a mixture of Spanish, English, and Portuguese speakers...roughly 15 volunteers for about 60 students. I sense a great chemistry between the staff.

One story I'd like to share would be the mouth-dropping, three-mile walk into the jungle in search for the main event, a rare swimming hole. However, I'll let the pictures do the story telling.

Freshwater crab found in a water tank
Miel "Honey"
We are surrounded by those blue and red Mckaws you see in pictures
More pics to come next time I'm in town. Next time I'll share a snippet of my work environment. I have a pretty cushy day-job. Not! ;)

I'll appreciate prayers and look forward to more blogging of my adventures. Especially, the adopted daughter of the house parents is very ill; she needs a blessing.

**Keep adventurizing!...I know I will!**


  1. Awesome story telling Eric, it's fun reading your writings, and viewing your pics. It sounds like you are fitting right in, but then, I had no doubt you would. Keep up your positive attitude, and we will keep on praying for you and Chad and the others, and additionally the little girl (what's her name?). Do you know all the boy's names yet? Keep enjoying your experience and taking your influence to the kids seriously. They will look up to you (in more ways than one), so your character and attitude will mean lots to them. Take care, and we love you very much!

    1. Thanks Dad. I definitely do not fit in as far as outer looks go. But yes, I do feel very comfortable in my current circumstances. Her name is Emily. Haha, yes, they will always look up to me.

  2. Yay Eric!!! Looks like you're having a blast, and your "kids" are adorable! I LOVE that last picture with you and the boys; looks like they're enjoying their new perspective up there as well... ;P Love you and miss you Broski

    1. They want you to replace me when I leave in nine months. Up for the challenge? :) Trust me...you'd love it.

  3. Hi Eric, it was nice to text with you for a little bit yesterday. We miss you very much but feel better knowning that you are loving your new "familia" and having fun. We will continue praying for you, Chad and the rest of the Famila Feliz community. Keep posting. Love you!

    1. Correction. My "other" family...not new. You will always be familia numero uno! :) P.S.- I have learned to embrace the roaches...kinda.

  4. BTW, HATE the coackroaches. Gross!

  5. Good to hear your spirits are high and spreading the love, Eric! I love to hear of your adventures and the experiences that are enriching your life and theirs. I hope you took pictures of you obtaining the "honey" from the termites..that sounds really interesting! Lots of love, Candi and Noah

    1. Lol. Spreading the love. That's the name of the game. And, just for you...I added a miel pic for you. Check it out. Two days later we put it in one of the many mysterious hot drinks. Tasted quite palatable actually.
