Wednesday, June 5, 2013

170. The End

The End summed up the entire year. Ups and downs. Excitement and anxiety. However, just like during our whole experience, there was alway a silver lining. One thing is for certain, God was there. And always there in a big way.

If I could do this year over again, I would do it exactly the same way. I will miss those little guys back at Familia Feliz. Please continue to pray for them as I know I will. Great things happen at that intuition and I am so glad I was a part of it.

I still encourage everyone to embark on as many adventures as possible. Just be sure to adventurize with Christ in the center. He was the greatest part of all of our adventures. He saved us from deportation, kept me going during Salmonella, held our truck in his hands on sketchy Bolivian roads, shielded us during a soccer stadium fight, and gave us words of wisdom for our 12 nephews. We are more certain than ever that he will always be the center of our future experiences. We are all in good hands.

While this adventure has ended, there are many more to come: college, medical school, wife, children, retirement, grandchildren...but hopefully sooner than later are the last day events that lead to Christ's return--what an adventure that will be!

Thanks for reading.

For the last time,


1 comment:

  1. What a nice blog to end your time in Bolivia. You certainly made a difference for the little ones and other that you got in contact. If you will let God lead, you will have a life of exciting adventures that one will be very proud of. Love you darling and I am so glad you are back home with us again. Life with you is always a trill. Proud to be your mom!
